Relief Society Updates
Since Jodi is gone to China for 2 1/2 weeks, I guess I had better update the blog.
Our lesson was number 17: " The Church of Jesus Christ Today"
It was taught by our newest teacher, Shanna Bingham. We welcome her and she did a great job. Thank you Shanna. The Church of Jesus Christ was taken from the earth after the death of Jesus Christ, and the death of His Apostles. That was the era known as the dark ages. For 1700 years there was spiritual darkness. The gospel was restored through Joseph Smith on April 6, 1830. We again had revelation, authority and the priesthood. The Church today is called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint. It will never be destroyed or taken from the earth again. Its mission is to take the truth to every person though out the world.
Birthdays: 22nd, Shanna Bingham. Happy Birthday to her.
14 years ago