Saturday, July 31, 2010

August 1, 2010 Relief Society Update

Relief Society Updates
August 1, 2010

Jodi Dallof is teaching the lesson today titled “As I Have Loved You Love One Another.” In a recent Auxiliary Training meeting we were encouraged to remember our Savior and his example as we visit our sisters. Jesus dedicated his life to doing the work of our Heavenly Father. In humility he gave of himself, by manifesting the greatest love of all mankind. During his brief life on this earth he demonstrated the best example of loving service, even to the end of his life at the last supper when he washed his disciple’s feet. In John Chapter 13 we read the touching account about how he teaches by example as he washes the feet of his disciples, then gives the commandment to Love one another as He has done. He also tells us how happy we will be if we follow his example in John 13:17 “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.”
Remember to “Love one another as He has loved us,” (John 13 34) and not only will we feel that joy in our lives, but that love and joy will spread to others around us.
We share a lot of love, as we have witnessed time and time again in this ward. The service rendered to each other is proof of the love that you have for our Savior and for each other.
In our ward there are many friendships, old ones and new ones being created. There is love among us through the loving compassionate service of all of you sisters, and there is enough love and strength that we can reach out past our ward boundaries and help others. I pray we always remember to follow our Saviors example and serve with humility. We love you sisters for all you do. May you all be blessed for your good works.

• Cookbooks are in, and Melissa Griffiths has them! Please contact her for your copy. They are great!
• August 2-15 Ogden Temple closed for cleaning
• August 5 Pot luck at Becky Ecton’s Home
• August 7 Emergency Preparedness Fair

Good News Update
• Congratulations to Amy Cook on the birth of her new baby GIRL!
Evelyn Hazel Cook was born at 7:45 pm on July 27, 2010.
She was 7lbs 12 oz and 21 inches long.

If you have a Good News Moment that you would like to share please contact Jodi Dallof @ 801-652-5209.

No Birthdays this week 

August is already here and the summer is moving by so fast. We hope you have all had time to spend with family, both close and extended. Only a few short weeks till school starts again, so enjoy this precious time, it goes by so quickly.

The Relief Society Presidency
Of the Cedar Bench Ward

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Amy Cook's Baby

Congratulations to Amy Cook on the birth of her new baby GIRL!
Evelyn Hazel Cook was born at 7:45 pm on July 27, 2010.
She was 7lbs 12 oz and 21 inches long.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

"What is happining in Cedar Bench Relief Society"

Relief Society Updates

July 25, 2010

Margie Felix is teaching “Healing the Sick” by Elder Dallin H. Oaks.


Susan Banner fell on Friday and broke her back in two places. Her son, Cameron, is coming home from his mission on Wednesday. Her and her family are in need of some. We have a sign up sheet going around for those who would like to help to bring in dinner this week. If you do not see the sign up sheet and would like to help please contact one of the Relief Society presidency: Chris Adams, Jodi Dallof, or Becky Ecton, or call Carol Andersen. We will be going into her home and helping clean on Tuesday morning at 10:00 am. If you can help clean please bring cleaning supplies. She needs help with dusting, cleaning blinds, and a lot of miscellaneous cleaning done in preparation for Cameron’s coming home. Susan and Todd have stated how much they have appreciated all the phone calls and support they have received so far. We do have a wonderful ward, thanks for all you continue to do.
• Cookbooks are in, and Melissa Griffiths has them! Please contact her for your copy. They are great!
• There is a sign-up sheet going around for a Christmas Orchestra. It sounds wonderful. If you can play an instrument they are interested in your talent.
Elders Sponsored “Summer Salsa Social”. Friday, July 30, 6:00 to 9:00 pm. Bring favorite salsa and dish to share, Elders will provide hot dogs and chips.

Good News Update (from previous week)
• Melissa Baldwin announced they found out they are having a boy. Congratulation!
• Debbie Cowden has a quilting chain letter. If anyone is interested please contact her.

If you have a Good News Moment that you would like to share please contact Jodi Dallof @ 801-652-5209.

We will be wishing Happy Birthday this week to Chris Adam on July 29th, Debbie Adams, and Rebecca Haacke on July 30.

At this time of year, when we celebrate our pioneer heritage, we reflect on our own ancestry, and give thanks for all that was sacrificed so that we might enjoy the blessings that we have today. May we plan and prepare in such a way so that our children might live with as much bounty as we do. May we remember to teach our children and set the example that they might want to follow in our footsteps and continue on in a righteous journey.

The Relief Society Presidency
Of the Cedar Bench Ward