Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ward Changes

As most of you know the Relief Society Presidency was released today.  Donna, Janette, Jill and Georgette did an excellent job and will be greatly missed!  We were really blessed to have them.

HOWEVER --- We got a new Presidency that will be wonderful as well and we welcome them with our support and love.

The new President is Chris Adams.  The 1st Counselor is Jodi Dallof, 2nd Counselor is Jennifer Mund and Becky Ecton is the Secretary.   The Compassionate Service Coordinator is Debbie Codwin.  The Enrichment Specialist is Julie Thornton and the Visiting Teaching Supervisor is Susan Banner.  The new teachers are Mandolin Martini, Barbara Ritchie, Margie Felix and Melissa Christiansen.

Also with those changes other organizations changed as well.  The new Young Women's Presidency  is Heidi Tyler, 1st Counselor Jennifer Roos, 2nd Counselor Ashley Call and Secretary Caree Yates.  The new Primary Presidency is Lisa Wright, 1st Counselor Kristanne Willden, 2nd Counselor Shawna Lobato and Secretary Leisa Williams.

I am sure we will all be blessed with the new changes in our ward.

January Newsletter

Click on the Image to enlarge

Note:  The Temple Day on the 17th has been changed to the night of the 16th at 8 PM.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Try a Little Harder Craft

Everyone asked for a few directions on the craft we gave out at the enrichment night. Kristanne posted pictures (below) of a few done ones, so I will just add a few tips.
*Use modge podge to glue on the pages and embellishments. It also works for the magnets.
*Once the main papers have dried, you can use fine grain sand paper or a nail file to sand the edges (if you like this look or it seems uneven). I like to do this because it makes up for any imperfections.
*You can use an ink pad to antique the edges of the papers if you want.
*You can glue the letters and other things on with a glue stick or modge podge (I used a glue stick because it was neater.
*Punch the holes for the rings with a hole punch after the papers are glued on and dry
*Attach the magnets to the back with a modge podge. It holds great!
*Put them together with the rings - I tied my ribbon around the rings, but you could put it wherever you wanted.

I attached a picture of the orignal project (only it is sideways because I didn't know how to rotate my picture when I got it over here). Help Kristanne!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Enrichment Meeting

We had a wonderful Enrichment Meeting on Thursday to celebrate our Pursuit of Excellence. Brother Cowdin gave a great talk about "Trying a Little Harder to be a Little Better" and how it applies to the Christmas Season.  And the meal was wonderful too.   Sister Olsen put together kits for a magnet message  of "Try a Little Harder to Be a Little Better."  Some sisters asked for pictures to get an idea of what they look like finished, so below are two pictures of the finished crafts.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

December Newsletter

Click on the image above to enlarge

Remember that the Enrichment meeting this Thursday is for all adults, not just the sisters.  Bring your spouse or a friend!